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A member registered Nov 17, 2016

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Have you considered using the grip button as a toggle switch for picking up weapons/making a fist?

(3 edits)

Hey there! Absolutely love your game; I've logged in at least 30 hours by now. Because I'm a know-it-all, I would like to offer some simple suggestions that I think would improve gameplay for everyone:

1: Change the weapon grip to be a toggle, rather than having to hold the trigger for the duration of a fight. Cramps your fingers rather quickly.

2: Reduce the gripping radius around enemies. Time and time again have I made a fist and tried to punch a guy, only to realized that I had somehow grabbed him even though he was three feet away. Very annoying, coupled with the issue raised below. Also looks better for when you really do want to grab the guy - it's weird to grab a guy to punch him and see that you're holding him by some invisible anchor 2 feet from his body.

3: Increase the inertia on "grabbed" enemies, even if you have to do it by making the gripping hand move all slugglishly. The way it stands, I can easily toss enemy after enemy right over the edge of the map like toys. Also, you can exert so much force by gripping a guy that there is usually like a 20% chance he'll penetrate the map's geometry somewhere and go nuclear, glitching out and going spinning/flying around at 200 mph.

Anyway, throw this game on Steam and profit, you madman! It's been my favorite Vive game for the past 2 months :)